If you have not received GST amount, please check if your GST Number is updated with us. In case it is not updated, Goibibo & MakeMyTrip are liable to charge and deposit GST on the hotel accommodation charges under the Section 9(5) of CGST and similar provisions of respective SGST Laws. Do ensure  that your GST number is updated accurately on the Ingommt  Extranet. 

Follow these steps to check your GST details 

Step 1: Login to the Ingommt Extranet- https://in.goibibo.com/accounts/login/?next=/extranet/ 


Step 2:Click on the 'Property’ tab and  further select the 'GST details’ option.' 




Step 3: Check if the GST details are updated. 



If the GST details are not updated or is updated as incorrect, please share the GST registration certificate and updated PAN details with your Business manager.